The Friends of St Matthew’s, Jarrow![]()
The Friends of St Matthew’s, Jarrow (or FOSM for short) is the Parents and Teachers’ Association (PTA) for our wonderful school.
We are a voluntary group of parents and carers of current pupils whose mission is to provide resources, equipment and events which enhance the education and extra-curricular activity of the pupils of St Matthew’s Catholic Primary School in Jarrow. We are also a Registered Charity, Number
To achieve our mission, we work closely with the teaching and support staff to ensure that events
we provide and equipment we purchase are in line with the needs and wishes of the pupils and
wider school. Some of our regular events include the Summer Fayre, Christmas activities and
supporting the purchase of Year 6 Leavers’ Hoodies. We also run after-school clubs, hold one-off
events such as Movie Nights and Treat Fridays, and support in-school projects such as playground
We have a core group of three trustees and a pool of regular volunteers who carry out a wide variety
of tasks from helping out at events, maintaining our social media account and taking the notes at our
As a committee, we meet regularly to plan projects, develop our ideas and set fundraising targets,
with four formal Committee Meetings taking place a year. You can read more about our work in our FOSM Annual Report 2022 FINAL. To keep up to date with our news and events, please like and
follow us on Facebook at
We are always looking for new volunteers and for ideas to be shared with us, so if you would like to
find out more, please send us a message via Facebook @FOSMjarrow or by emailing
Chair: Victoria Sheraton
Treasurer: Anne Thomas (Co-opted)
Secretary: Rachel Thompson-Chapman